
Shot in July of 2016, Counting, was written by Kari Morris and tells the story of two young women in the early 1950s who decide to solidify their relationship by saving one penny a day.  The goal:  to buy a Cadillac...or get a marriage license by the time they are 90.  Jumping to 2015, gay marriage is legalized, is it too late?

Counting is a production of Pride Films & Plays, directed by Dan Pal and starring Kenzie Seibert, Carolyn Reynolds, and Joan McGrath.  The film is on the festival circuit now, with the following screenings so far completed/scheduled:

Big As Texas Short Film Festival (Dec. 2016, Best LGBT Short Nominee)

Equality Festival, Kiev, Ukraine (Dec. 2016)

Desperado LGBT Film Festival, Phoenix, AZ, Jan. 28, 2017

North by Midwest Micro-Budget Film Festival, Kalamazoo, MI,

        Mar. 4, 2017 (Winner 1st Place, Best Short Feature)

SpringOut!  Middle Tennessee LGBT+ Film Festival, April 6, 2017

Show Me Justice Film Festival, U of Central Missouri, April 7, 2017

MiFo LGBT Film Festival, Miami, Florida, April 24, 2017

GayCharlotte Film Festival, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 1, 2017

My True Colors Film Festival, New York, June, 17, 2017

Out Here Now:  Kansas City LGBT Film Festival, Kansas City, MO,

       June 22, 2017

LGBT Toronto Film Festival, Toronto, Ontario, June 26, 2017

Oklahoma LGBT Film Festival, McAlester, OK, July 27, 2017
